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New Challenge Training - Timing1  Go to the Training: Time is of the Essence challenge

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New Challenge Training - Timing1
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I just installed a new challenge - Time is of the essence
Hope you enjoy it!

Happy Challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: New Challenge Training - Timing1
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In case you need further hints:

- Do not forget to POST the solve=foo button.
- You can append ?ajax=1&nosess=1 to the url to get better results.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: New Challenge Training - Timing1
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Thank you for the challenge. I am struggling with this problem and was hoping that I could get some hint. So far, I have written a python script that attempts to find the length of the password by sending HTTP requests with answers of length 0 - 60. I was able to obtain each of the elapsed time for the HTTP request using the method. My problem is that I am unable to detect usleep(10000) when I have provided an answer with length equal to that of the password due to the noise in the network data. Any help would be appreciated.
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RE: New Challenge Training - Timing1
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Did you consider sending mutliple Requests per char and apply statistics?
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: New Challenge Training - Timing1
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This chall looks easy but I am lazy. Yo!
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