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Hacker Gateway - unable to update score

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Hacker Gateway - unable to update score
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I've finally completed my last challenge on Hacker Gateway but for several days now I have been met with a 404 error when trying to update my score via Wechall.

Not sure how much benefit there will be in reporting this issue as I am doubting this is something that can be resolved through the wechall interface but unfortunately the site admin Juampi has been offline since February 2019 - although I've sent him a direct PM notifying him of the issue regardless.
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RE: Hacker Gateway - unable to update score
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This issue actually seems to be on WeChall's side. We'll have a look.
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RE: Hacker Gateway - unable to update score
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Seemingly fixed now. Have another go.
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RE: Hacker Gateway - unable to update score
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Works now! Thanks, dloser!
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