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Bug in moves number?  Go to the Rubik's Cube challenge

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Bug in moves number?
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I have solved the cube many times but somehow I do miss something.
I have solved first time the cube using ~600 moves, then I have solved in exactly 40 moved now it is asking me to solve cube in 39. What is the deal with this cube? Is this a bug or it is what you ask for?
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RE: Bug in moves number?
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Yes, i ask you to be able to do it again in shorter amount of moves.
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RE: Bug in moves number?
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Out of curiosity, how many times must it be solved? I've solved at 40 moves & 39 moves with a program. Currently at 38....

If it goes all the way down to 20, then probably not worth my time for just 3 points (haha)

* Also, Is my progress saved - or if I log out, it resets and I start back at 40 moves?
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RE: Bug in moves number?
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By looking at the code i figured out it goes down all way to 20.
Your progress is bound to your session.

But well... once written a good program, solving is just a matter of laying back and watch, no?
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RE: Bug in moves number?
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Well, I got it! I did it manually first few times and I was intrigued why that is not "green" Smile
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RE: Bug in moves number?
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I solved the first cube. And will continue if more points are given hahaha Drool
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