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Is Warchall broken  Go to the Training: Warchall - The Beginning challenge

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Is Warchall broken
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I reset password and get...

PHP Warning(2): mysqli_connect(): (HY000/2002): Network is unreachable in core/inc/GDO/db/GDO_DB_mysqli.php line 15

Backtrace starts in www/challenge/warchall/begins/index.php line 29.
warchall1createAccount().. www/challenge/warchall/begins/index.php line 143.
warchall1createAccountB(). www/challenge/warchall/begins/index.php line 154.
gdo_db_instance()......... core/inc/GDO/GDO.php line 42.
GDO_DB_mysqli->connect().. core/inc/GDO/db/GDO_DB_mysqli.php line 15.
mysqli_connect().......... [unknown file] line ?.
GWF_Debug::error_handler() core/inc/util/GWF_Debug.php line 183.
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RE: Is Warchall broken
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Yes, MySQL crashed. I've restarted it, so try again.
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RE: Is Warchall broken
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Same again. Could you please restart?
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RE: Is Warchall broken
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Quote from CublaCangh
Nov 04, 2019 - 18:39:27

Same again. Could you please restart?

Thank you for the alert.
I think i did a shutdown -r now, 3 days ago, when we paid for another year of or it was an autoreboot. not sure.
Anyway, the machine should work again, but I did not do any further work, like software updates, which would be needed.

See what the Opera test account did;

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