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My python script cannot send cookie?  Go to the Training: Programming 1 challenge

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My python script cannot send cookie?
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First i click the link,page shows the return code. And i get cookie from chrome
I write a python script but cannot get the return code by first request.

GeSHi`ed Plaintext code for requests
headers = {"Cookie":"WC=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}
res = requests.get('',

but it always return "Please login by sending your cookies in the HTTP Header."

PS: python version 2.7.14
Last edited by T3rry - Jun 13, 2018 - 16:47:53
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RE: My python script cannot send cookie?
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Works for me. Make sure you are doing this from the same IP as your browser. (And that you copy the cookie correctly.)

B.t.w.: Usually not the best idea to share your own cookie like that. ;)
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RE: My python script cannot send cookie?
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Quote from dloser
Jun 13, 2018 - 14:59:04

Works for me. Make sure you are doing this from the same IP as your browser. (And that you copy the cookie correctly.)

B.t.w.: Usually not the best idea to share your own cookie like that. ;)

Thks a lot. I used the proxy.It changed the source ip right?So ip is different between local and browser.
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RE: My python script cannot send cookie?
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RE: My python script cannot send cookie?
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I thought of 2 possible errors:

1) http vs https (cookies are treated different between http and https)

2) You used a guest cookie and the challenge wants a real logged in user (doubt that is the problem but can be)


I did not reply because i am unsure Smile

EDIT: It seems this challenge needs a member account (no guest allowed) ..... we should fix that?

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Jun 14, 2018 - 21:16:24
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