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The account deletion process seems faulty

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The account deletion process seems faulty
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I wanted to change my email address in my settings, and lo and behold, I remembered that an account already existed with that one. (Yeah, sorry.)

So, I just logged into my old account, requested its deletion, and logged back to my current one. Unfortunately, I can't use my new email address because for wechall it's still being used by my old, deleted, one.

Is the deletion process faulty, or is there a delay before my old account is erased and I can use my email address?

On a funny note, when trying to use the "lost password" feature with the email address of the deleted account, I can follow the password change process, but I can't login.

Have a nice day
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RE: The account deletion process seems faulty
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I think this is a design error.
Also it might be that still your old linked onsitenames are "burned".

The reason behind this design decision was that
I wanted to make sure we could re-activate accounts.

If you can tell me your old email + old username i can cleanup your account and release the onsitenames + email.

We really should patch the account deletion, as it is used like almost once a week, aprox, for legit account management.

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