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Level 4 jumpstart  Go to the Training: Warchall - The Beginning challenge

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Level 4 jumpstart
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Part of difficulty of being beginner challenger is not knowing what is part of the challenge, what is my ignorance and what is an ordinary bug.

After pretty easy resolving of levels 0-3, I am stumped on 4. The only related file I found is /home/user/tellico_lungrevink/level/4/README.txt but it has no rights assigned.

Could you tell me if that is planned behaviour for this level and if so how can I overcome this? I am not asking for full solution ofc but I'd be grateful for any tips.

Thanks in advance Smile
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RE: Level 4 jumpstart
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It is as planned. Smile How to overcome is what you should find out. Shouldn't be too hard with a bit of researching, I think.
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RE: Level 4 jumpstart
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Quote from dloser
Jul 03, 2016 - 17:13:25

It is as planned. Smile How to overcome is what you should find out. Shouldn't be too hard with a bit of researching, I think.

It was easy indeed. Can't believe I didn't think about it straight away. Thank you for help Smile
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