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Comments on Rankk

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Rankk has many challenges but some of them aren't realistic.
f.e. chal 2-62 and i don't like the Egyptian theme but that's my opinion, it's a unique site.
There are some downsides but every day i like Rankk a bit more.
Last edited by BjornR1989 - Nov 22, 2008 - 20:38:20
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I often find Rankk's challenges to not really revolve around 'hacking' such as the other sites linked. It's definitely in my opinion the hardest site in terms of challenge difficulty.

EDIT: 1 up on you ;)
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[Edit]: Now it works Smile

Since few hours ago I encountered a problem when trying to access Rankk:

Either the page you are attempting to access does not exist or an error has occurred while processing your request. If you think this could be a bug, please write to

Any one encountering same problem as me?
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RE: Comments on Rankk
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Hi all,

I've found an error on the sit. Challenge 2.6 "Don't Blink". Solved it like 5 times(I got the you solved it message). But it refreshes to the challenge page.
Somebody else had the same problem?

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RE: Comments on Rankk
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I think you should ask that in rankk forum.

I have thought about forums on wechall for each site (onsite registered people only) as opt-in for the site admins.

back to your question: maybe the "blink" is part of the challenge, maybe not. Smile
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RE: Comments on Rankk
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Quote from Cobruto
Oct 17, 2010 - 19:27:15

I've found an error on the sit. Challenge 2.6 "Don't Blink". Solved it like 5 times(I got the you solved it message). But it refreshes to the challenge page.

Rankk's forums aren't very useful for picking up clues for solving the challenges, so the forums are largely dead, but the admins do seem to respond pretty quickly on these kinds of issues. I'd try there, as Gizmore suggested.
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RE: Comments on Rankk
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Quote from Discussion Board

Anything goes, except challenge hints ;)

You might want to notice that the reason why Rankk's forum aren't very useful for picking up clues is because they are not supposed to contain any kind of hint or clue in the first place Smile

If you think you've found a bug, just pm an admin and they'll correct it, if needed.
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RE: Comments on Rankk
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Quote from monnino
Dec 12, 2010 - 18:29:48

You might want to notice that the reason why Rankk's forum aren't very useful for picking up clues is because they are not supposed to contain any kind of hint or clue in the first place Smile

I understand that, and I'm not complaining. I like Rankk. I like Rankk a lot. Smile And nothing in my post was intended to be critical of Rankk's policies. I just stated the fact that given those policies there really is very little reason to visit the forum and hence the forums are pretty dead, but...

Quote from s_ha_dum
the admins do seem to respond pretty quickly on these kinds of issues [bugs]

The point of my comment was to stress that even though there is little activity on the forums, the Rankk admins do watch the forums for bug reports and similar issues. That's all.
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RE: Comments on Rankk
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My apologies shadum.
The "you" wasn't directly referred to you, it was referred to anyone who might have read this topic (the fact that "you" is used both for the singular and the plural person didn't help though... sometimes I forget since in my language we have separate forms :)

I was just emphasizing the fact that the site requires you to avoid any kind of hint, so anyone who reads this thread and goes to rankk to try it doesn't start posting in the forum something along the line of:

"Hi, I searched the forum but I didn't find anything: can I get a hint on challenge X?" Smile

P.S: Sorry for posting 53 days after your last reply: this thread showed up in my unread ones so i thought it was still active ^^
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