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what's the task?  Go to the Experience challenge

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what's the task?
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What is the task indeed?..
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RE: what's the task?
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Finding the vuln by knowing more than is transferred.
hochdeutsche Skriptsprachenparameter all the args!!!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: what's the task?
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So, i am stuck.
I know what happens in this challenge (i guess) but had absolutely no success on the SQLI part.

Do we have to guess a parameter ?
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RE: what's the task?
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I managed to get the script to output a weird float number but dont know what to do next. Any hints?
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RE: what's the task?
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actually it seems the only thing i can use from the error message is the table name, but not sure how this helps
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RE: what's the task?
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Guys, is is possible to get some more hints here? Guessing table name is a correct way to solve this one?
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RE: what's the task?
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I would replace your answers but i am too lazy
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: what's the task?
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Thanks, but still nothing. I've read a lot about preg_replace, lazy regex, etc, but I've no idea what could be exploitable here using it.
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RE: what's the task?
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I can only rewrite what i had said: I would replace your answers but i am too lazy
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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