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password require  Go to the Training: Stegano I challenge

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password require
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hey guys,

i used steghide to got information about this .bmp-file. just got some simple information about size and pixel.
but if i want to extract this with steghide, it require a password.
i began to search in different ways, but didnt find anything. in the end, i tried to used exiftool to get more meta-information. there isn't hidden a password. can someone give me a hint ?
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RE: password require
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ok found something.used gedit and ghex . works fine
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RE: password require
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Quote from xResolution
Aug 02, 2015 - 10:01:31

hey guys,

i used steghide to got information about this .bmp-file. just got some simple information about size and pixel.
but if i want to extract this with steghide, it require a password.
i began to search in different ways, but didnt find anything. in the end, i tried to used exiftool to get more meta-information. there isn't hidden a password. can someone give me a hint ?
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