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A collection of crackme's, hackme's, puzzles and games. Some are pretty simple, some... not so much...
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Comments on Wixxerd

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RE: Comments on Wixxerd
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Although i haven't really played the site, it seems to be attractive to the players.

For myself I like the Craptcha challenges, which seem to offer incorrectly implemented captchas, which i haven't seen yet on any other site.
Also coming soon is an SQL training series, where you have to construct valid queries and get a desired result set.

Original ideas and fresh wind for the challenge sites, i greatly appreciate the effort the admin is showing!

Carry on with your good work and Happy Challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Oct 27, 2012 - 00:25:18
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RE: Comments on Wixxerd
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Yeah! I really like the sql query challenges there.
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RE: Comments on Wixxerd
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Bad news, I'm very sad at the moment. It seems is at the end... And I had some challenges, which I really wanted to understand how they worked. Only 5 not more. Anyways Wixxerd: from my side I wish good luck for everything and for your ongoing life... You definitely did a really great job... reallly!!!

My most Respect - Sincerely Yours
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