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Comments on osix

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Comments on osix
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Of course this was a (poor?) try of an april fools post.

At least i tricked (censored by someone who edited this post), who thought moderation of all stuff would be a bit regressive Drool
Edit: at least 1 person actually cared

i wish you nice eastern and holidays Smile
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by Z - Apr 03, 2010 - 13:14:33
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April fools' fail.

Editing others post win Smile
Last edited by Z - Apr 02, 2010 - 17:24:08
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Comments on osix
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Fooled me, I was thinking "Don't do it! That's going to absolutely kill your site..."
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RE: Comments on osix
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After what seems like forever, we have re-enabled signups.

Many thanks to gizmore for helping out with some fixes to the site.
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RE: Comments on osix
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Can someone explain how the point system works in osix? I think higher level challenges worth more points right?
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RE: Comments on osix
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Seems that another one bites the dust:

@barnseyboy what's up ?
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