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Wargame de Hispabyte, zona práctica de un sitio dedicado a la seguridad, informática y programación.

Wargame of Hispabyte, a site where train security, programming and computer science.
Sites origin country Spain
Language Spanish
Category Tags JavaScript, Crypto, Math, Logic
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Comments on Hispabyte

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RE: Comments on Hispabyte
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Quote from lordOric
Aug 31, 2010 - 14:39:58

Quote from Gizmore
Aug 30, 2010 - 21:33:20
The site reports you solved 15 of 13 challs.

So there is an additional WeChall bug : I have reached 115% of hispabyte ! Drool

-- end of quotes --

No, it`s clamping fine to 100%.
Congratulations for reaching 115% tho ;P

Meanwhile i spotted the BB_Decoder is not capable of nested quote tags Sad
_This_ is a wechall4 bug again Smile
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RE: Comments on Hispabyte
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Quote from Gizmore
Aug 31, 2010 - 14:50:26
Congratulations for reaching 115% tho ;P

Very easy, in fact. It seems that I really solved 15 challs. Well, some of them three times, but... Smile
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RE: Comments on Hispabyte
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Err.. don't know if it is a bug or that you have changed the algorithm but
Hispabyte is now worth a total of 15451 points !
That is surely one decimal place too many.Happy
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RE: Comments on Hispabyte
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Quote from kijibwa
Aug 31, 2010 - 21:53:29

Err.. don't know if it is a bug or that you have changed the algorithm but
Hispabyte is now worth a total of 15451 points !
That is surely one decimal place too many.Happy

Totally agreed.
Set basescore from 10,000 to 2,500.
Hispabyte is now currently the only site with a basescore less than 10,000.
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RE: Comments on Hispabyte
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Did anyone solve the challenge called Imabrute? Because i worte a cracker for it and the solution page doesn't accept my generated answer though my answer is correct.
I tried to contact the site admin but i didn't get any answer so i'm just concerned if anyone know how this challenge works...
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RE: Comments on Hispabyte
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Quote from CHItA
Jan 26, 2011 - 22:07:32

Did anyone solve the challenge called Imabrute? Because i worte a cracker for it and the solution page doesn't accept my generated answer though my answer is correct.
I tried to contact the site admin but i didn't get any answer so i'm just concerned if anyone know how this challenge works...

I have not solved this. Sorry. If you hear from the site admins please let me know. I've been meaning to attack this challenge but I won't bother if its broken.
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Hispabyte is forever down:

Quote from HQH

For problems in my website, the wargame now is closed indefinidelity.

I advise you to take the mesures you need.

Thanks for the colaboration.

I will keep the site marked as down, until i have tested the graveyard again.
Maybe we can even keep the scores for those who put their effort in solving some challs there.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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