Hack The Web from Germany, in the spirit of hacker.org, with multilingual challenges in german and english. They've been around since 2017 with a variety of challenges.
They currently offer 111 challenges are fairly simple compared to other sites in our network, so it would be a good entry point to get started (looking at you, new wave of students from LPS and UNM).
Note: In order to link, you need the "Wechall-Token" from the profile page, since the site does not save e-mails.
To quote the creator anna42
Quote from anna42Some time ago, I was commissioned to offer a computer science station for an open house day. The target audience was students. I thought back to my childhood and what fascinated me at the time – and it was, above all, the puzzle website hacker.org that transported me to a magical world.
I decided to develop a simplified version for children and teenagers. I called it Hack The Web. I had no idea what kind of response the project would receive. Teachers soon inquired whether they could use Hack The Web in their classes. The number of users increased, and since 2019 I have been continuously further developing the platform.
My goal is for every interested person to be able to engage in hacking successfully for 30 minutes while having fun – even a 7th grader. And perhaps even a professional might discover a few new tricks here and there.
Let's hope it can serve as an easy introduction to get more new people into the scene