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What are you working as?

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self-employed carpet fitter Drool
chmod ---x--x--x,, i'm illiterate!
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AI engineer for defense industry. CS grad student. undergrad in networking & sysadmin
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Quote from xen
Apr 22, 2011 - 21:48:29

self-employed carpet fitter Drool

Interesting. I was a remodeling contractor for years and years.
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i just broke up with school (11th grade)..
now i'm searchin for an apprenticeship
Contact only via c3BhY2VAd2VjaGFsbC5uZXQ= or PM...
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Unemployed web developer, making a living from ads on a couple of sites i run Drool

I've considered becoming a farmer though...
I'm on a rock floating through space.
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I will start my first semester of Computer Science in Karlsruhe (KIT) in October.

I am self-employed and developed a software for schools to help them a bit in administration, but it was not successfull. The state started to develop something very simmilar by themself, many schools deny the usage of computers to replace old systems. Even when it's obvious that a new system which works with computers could improve quit a lot. They don't want the old teachers to have problems. Some of my teachers did never use computers (they used typewriters to create their tests!), so this problem was quite obvious. I hoped that they might give it a try if I make the software as simple as possible (not many choices what to do next, always a litte text which provides some helping information, even some videos to show them how it works) Sad Perhaps I have to wait twenty years, until the state stops their software project and all teachers know how to use the computer.

Additionally, I am working as a assistant scientist for a project with lots of data. I joined them a short time ago, but according to the people who employed me they generate Petabytes of data withing some hours. It's a medicine / biological project and I implement the algorithms (in ... well, I should do it in C++, but currently I did most with Python).
Each assistant scientist in Baden-Württemberg gets 8,39 Euro/hour. Nothing more, nothing less.

I teach pupils math/german/biology/physics if I need money. It's quite easy to find someone and I get 15-20 Euro/hour. Well, I do quite a lot of different mini-jobs (creating websites can give an awefull lot of money for half an hour of work if you find a company where obviously no employee has an idea how simple it is to create one) if I need money, but I don't need money very often ;-)
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C/C++ programmer (mainly boost + qt now)
Last edited by caveman - Aug 25, 2011 - 01:05:50
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Hi lets make a company.
my own atempt to make a company was stopped via a mind control attack. my new aproach is to find some computer skill people so it wouldnt work to hypnotize me out of working. i have a cms that im still working on and we could use it to make websites for companys that we contact online. can someone host a version of my cms, dose someone have a hosting account where i can upload it, i started work on the cms 14 years back but someone stole my ideas via mind control the idea was similar to jimdo and wix that appeared online 10 years ago,

so lets make a company together and make websites for people
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