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small hint ? :D  Go to the Training: Bacon Returns challenge

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small hint ? :D
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Anyone , any hints to share ? I've looked at it for a while, the challenge gave me some hints as I went through it, let's say , the challenge branched ( for me at least ) , I have some clues about how this would go down( not yet sure if I'm going the correct way, though ), but a small hint would be appreciated.

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RE: small hint ? :D
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If i remember correctly, counting will help here a lot to get you on track.
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RE: small hint ? :D
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I have been confused about this question for a long time.
I have translated that encypted article into ab-mode,but I do not know which one is word separation.
Can you give me some hint? Thx....
Last edited by naxi - Dec 20, 2013 - 06:35:19
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RE: small hint ? :D
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There is no word seperation, if i remember correctly.
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RE: small hint ? :D
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I translated majuscules into ‘b’,and minuscules into 'a'.Then I chose every 5 as a group.But I found there were 32 kinds of groups ,though only 26 characters!!
As for word separation,I know the character X means that ,but I can't found a proper 'ab' group to separate words.
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There's a little tweak, you need more observation to find that out Drool
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RE: small hint ? :D
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I did almost everything, tried the classic alphabet, with other alphabets , other techniques such as assigning an "a" or "b" depending on the letter that begins the word but had no luck .
This challenge is burning my head Sad
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RE: small hint ? :D
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I have found where is fixed and random part devided, but it does not helps me find out a tweak. Can someone give me one more hint? Does random part have a random length too? Can "A" and "B" been represented by a words instead of letters?
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RE: small hint ? :D
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Hello all Smile ... concerning this one, is still running as it should ? 'cause it seems not bound to the session anymore.
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RE: small hint ? :D
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It should be bound to either username or sessid... the challenge code did not change so i assume it should work.
The challenge got solved recently, so i assume it should work.
However, to be sure, someone has to solve it now ;)
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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