I insulted you as a reply of what you said.Why don't you post the full PM i've sent you?Let me show my point of view:
Here is what he said,then i turned back his opinions.I use to insult only when i'm insulted.
"Every day I am hearing and get asked about help/solutions etc.." How do you dare to lie like that?I haven't talked to you since a month or so and the only time when i asked you for help was in the day you told me you are Cyber so i asked you to give a starting point for your Crypto from Mibs and you said "OH,WHAT DO I GET IN EXCHANGE?".
"But please don't pull him in your point of view ( UnTaran ) "
I have not mentioned you anything about him so don't try to stick other persons on this altercation and you shouldn't afford to write his name on your posts.
I never said i did not asked for solution.I did several times but should i be shamed?It's something logical,i'm young,i have a lot to learn and my opinion is that i d better learn from someone who passed that level instead of searching 5 hours on google and getting to the same result.There are thousands of challenges,no one is able to pass them all.And yes i do ask for hints and maybe is a bad think that at 15 years i do that ..yea yea but not as bad as what you do dude. At 30+ years you cheat like a 5 years boy on monopoly.Let's say you can expect a 15 years boy to cheat..maybe he is fool but one who can be his father ?Proofs ?
Coincidence a ? xDD
And the same story on infomirmo until 20% or so,admins could confirm with logs ;).
Ah and about what you did yesterday with theblacksheep.
"i took some challenges with me in holidays, some easy crackits, and then i was solving the logics in tbs idiot. posted them, and alternative marked them as solved. i dont care when he's accepting them within 1 minute

Strange,suddenly 40 levels passed.
Can you believe what you said?you are registered on tbs since 2005 and you haven't passed easy crackmes on other holidays in 2005,2006,2007... .You waited to pass easy crackits on 2009 summer.And yea,logics also.And strange,i still wait since months ago to have some logic levels validated and you get them in seconds.Cool.
And yea i attacked you yesterday cuz it does not seem right to me to struggle to pass levels and others do 100 in 10 minutes ;)
Do i need to say anything else?