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Exploit ranking
The best players in the category Exploit.
Note that here all sites that have some Exploit challenges sum up, so it it not very representative.
# Username Score Progress
5501 __Unknown Country deustland 2595
5502 __Unknown Country Ferchu 2593
5503 France Z0vsky 2593
5504 Indonesia theLorD 2584
5505 Italy sigma1 2583
5506 __Unknown Country Dorn41 2582
5507 __Unknown Country sms-system 2581
5508 __Unknown Country HansWurst2 2579
5509 __Unknown Country sigma_feng 2578
5510 Netherlands, The BvanB 2578
5511 __Unknown Country alperc 2575
5512 __Unknown Country k4nfr3 2572
5513 __Unknown Country DarkEye 2572
5514 __Unknown Country offed 2571
5515 __Unknown Country gmatrix 2570
5516 Taiwan KarlxKarl 2569
5517 Colombia P1p3 2568
5518 Taiwan Charles_Yang 2567
5519 __Unknown Country SecurityFish 2567
5520 New Zealand AlexElther 2566
5521 __Unknown Country punkcoder 2566
5522 United States heavenraiza 2565
5523 Spain amm 2560
5524 __Unknown Country bones 2560
5525 China liogeng 2557
5526 __Unknown Country mabdc 2557
5527 __Unknown Country ali0n 2554
5528 __Unknown Country lionyouko 2553
5529 Germany kshine 2553
5530 __Unknown Country zarcel 2552
5531 __Unknown Country Markintosh 2552
5532 __Unknown Country Neuron1k 2549
5533 __Unknown Country n0ts0b4d 2548
5534 Netherlands, The rutto124 2543
5535 __Unknown Country matt1919 2542
5536 Spain bercianor 2542
5537 Poland kalkanumo 2541
5538 Colombia THEGAME008 2540
5539 __Unknown Country neonspider 2539
5540 __Unknown Country skyrift 2537
5541 __Unknown Country InsOp 2537
5542 __Unknown Country w1nd3x 2536
5543 __Unknown Country evive 2536
5544 __Unknown Country mysterie 2534
5545 __Unknown Country Dorisans 2533
5546 __Unknown Country holograin 2532
5547 Argentina sebabeva 2531
5548 __Unknown Country pwn_expoit 2531
5549 __Unknown Country manuelzs 2530
5550 __Unknown Country SAGA 2527
How scoring works on WeChall