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Wanda scroller

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Wanda scroller
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I turned the wanda credits scroller into a stegano.

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Wanda scroller
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I bet Hertz cant solve it first!

Quote from Unknown

[20:59:06] guessmoor: scroller complete
[20:59:09] guessmoor: all centered
[20:59:15] guessmoor: no change to morse
[21:37:53] guessmoor: got the message?
[21:38:10] guessmoor: it is a little sentence in whole 640 lines
[21:38:14] guessmoor: like Morsed challenge
[21:38:15] guessmoor: a bit
[21:38:26] guessmoor: exactly like it... but stego
[21:38:35] Hertz: got it
[21:38:39] Hertz: but don t spoil it Sad
[21:38:47] Hertz: there were many redherrings in it
[21:40:02] guessmoor: is it good?
[21:40:05] guessmoor: say it
[21:40:09] guessmoor: i say yes or no
[21:40:20] guessmoor: the last bits are most important
[21:40:48] Hertz: i m trying to decode it
[21:41:03] Hertz: --... ---- .--- -.... ---- ...--
[21:41:41] guessmoor: way more
[21:41:46] guessmoor: the first bit is
[21:42:04] guessmoor: line 36
[21:42:07] guessmoor: the last bit
[21:42:24] guessmoor: 636

Good luck!

PS: It flash gold now!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Wanda scroller
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watching for,no mention ;-( me fail!
chmod ---x--x--x,, i'm illiterate!
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RE: Wanda scroller
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Surely a bug. It is not final as some fx are missing but the mooorse.... brrrr
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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